Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Practice of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Practice of Management - Essay Example The manager I am going to write about in this paper is the person whom I used to report while working in the marketing department of a reputed company. I used to work for that company as a marketing executive. In my whole professional career I worked under quite a few mangers, but this particular manger was undoubtedly the worst. He lacked all essential managerial skills. The most basic skill a manager should have is the ability to lead a team. Not surprisingly, this particular manager also seriously lacked this skill. I am now going to explain all the requisite skills a good manger should have in relationship to the manger I used to work under who seriously lacked all those skills.   Planning is surely the first step in achieving a goal. Planning is a holistic activity that requires a lot of thinking. It can be defined as setting goals and determining a course of action for attaining those goals. While planning, a manger must take the available resources, time and objectives into consideration. Planning marketing strategies call for scanning the competitive environment. Environmental scanning can be done through research and marketing intelligence. Without a clear understating of the competitive environment, a successful planning can not be formulated. Moreover, planning also requires allocation of resources and time for implementation of the plan. The success of a plan is measured how effectively and efficiently a goal has been achieved. This particular manager had a complete lack of skill in planning.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

International Relations - International Development (Proposal Outline) Essay

International Relations - International Development (Proposal Outline) - Essay Example As a matter of fact, women in general are kept at lower than secondary level and in most of the societies despite her services mainly to families that are also unpaid. In all, women has been given less privileges on social, political, and economic power than they deserve as compare to men with one and only reason of being Woman. Moreover the prejudice has strengthened itself and women, in many parts of the world especially developing countries, are growingly deprived of the fundamental rights as human being. Economic marginalization of women refers to the disadvantage and deprivation that woman is accounted for against man on the economic fronts. Economic marginalization include all aspects such as poverty, deprivation from decision making rights and positions with respect to economic matters and more importantly access to economic resources. The menace of oppressing human being with gender inequality, in general and economic oppression in specific, also didn’t allow more adva nced sections of the nations that claim to be leaders in development. For instance, only 12 companies from fortune 500 are led by women; down from the count of 15 than previous year (CNN, 2011). Countries that are taking leading positions of growth as emerging nations i.e. China with an average growth rate of above 8% in global financial crises time; vulnerability and marginalization of women has increased with increase in migration from rural to urban areas for their economic growth. These women, though, got freedom from low wage paid job at farm but faces in cities more difficult situation of inequality such as harassment and other city- version of marginalization including job discrimination, salary gap and opportunity inequalities etc (Tam, 2006). Evidences from developed and emerging nations when hold such situations it then gets self explanatory the condition prevailing in developing nations such as India and Pakistan. The two countries being the cultural hub of the South East Asia hold more tightly those old ignorant values that favored the dominance of men even in most educated sections of society; depriving women of social, cultural, public and economic earning as well decision making (Nelasco, 2012). Recently in two conferences, women have asserted despite trade liberalization and globalization, women are growing becoming the victim of unemployment, underemployment, migration for livelihood to urban and overseas etc. All these have put multiplied impact on women inequality with deteriorating food insecurity; labor intensive industries taking advantage of cheap labor with influx of large number of women mainly with their families for jobs and hence, posing high insecurity reasoning the huge labor pool. Given below are some statistics that presents start realities of discrimination against women (Nelasco, 2012) Importance of the women empowerment â€Å"When we empower women, we empower communities, nations and the entire human family.† —U N secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon (UN Women, 2011) For effort related to reduce this inequality social sciences has presented immense literature; however, the affectivity has only gained success to the point that UN sections realized the importance of fact that world shall now develop awareness regarding women empowerment and year 2011 UN marked inaugural of formal efforts for women empowerment (UN Women, 2011). CEO of UN-Women (Women Empowerment section of UN) has vision of this section to have future